The Falls Management Service Referral Information

The Falls Management Service Referral Information:

Eligibility criteria for the service:

  • People who have fallen in the past 12 months, but not the past 7 days (people who have fallen within the last week or have had multiple falls and are at risk of hospital admission should be referred to ICT via SPOA 0300 777 0002). FMS is not an urgent service so clients who need urgent support will need to contact the appropriate urgent and rapid response services.
  • Those who are a permanent resident within their own home or care home setting with a Northamptonshire postcode.

Exclusion criteria:

  • People who are totally wheelchair dependent and non-weight bearing. This is due to the Falls Service assessment including assessing gait and mobility, and a home hazard assessment. Those who are wheelchair dependent or non-weight bearing are more appropriate to be assessed by the wheelchair services or the community moving and handling service.
  • People who fall due to drug or alcohol dependence. These individuals will require the substance misuse services.
  • People who are in-patients or being seen by ICT.
  • People who have been seen by the falls team previously unless their needs have changed

Referrals to the Falls Management Service are made through the council contact centre:

West Northamptonshire: 0300 126 7000 option 1, 2, 1

North Northamptonshire: 0300 126 3000 option 1, 2, 1

Or via the council website:

Consent must be obtained prior to a referral

Based on the information provided during the referral process and level of risk identified, the referral will be sent to either:

  • Northamptonshire sport for strength and balance exercises
  • Supporting Independence Programme (SIP) or
  • The Falls Management Service (FMS)

If a referral is being made on behalf of an individual, then they must be informed which service their referral has been assigned to. This will be indicated on the referral paperwork.