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Self care

  • Self Care for Life

    Making small changes can make a big difference. Wootton Medical Centre are supporting this initiative to help you take care of your own health & wellbeing.

    It is often quicker and easier, rather than waiting for an appointment at the surgery, for you to visit your Community Pharmacist for minor and / or self-limiting conditions, including acne, dandruff, fungal nail infections and the like. Pharmacists are highly training health professionals who are able to give advice, recommend the right treatments for these self-treatable conditions and can explain the normal duration of symptoms. They can also offer you to help stop smoking, manage your weight and many pharmacies have private consulting rooms.

    NHS England recommend that medicines for minor ailments such as colds, hay fever and mild dry skin should no longer be routine prescribed. Please purchase these in future, with advance from a pharmacy if needed.

  • Follow these small steps to a healthier you

    Get active – advice is to exercise for at least twenty minutes a day, it’s ideal if you can incorporate this into your day by ditching the car and walking to work, or walking the dog, taking the stairs or even dancing around the kitchen table to your favourite songs!

    Eat well – we all know that health eating is crucial to our health so we can start by swapping unhealthy snacks for healthy options such as nuts, seeds and fruit. As your pharmacist for advice on managing your weight.

    Making positive changes – take steps to stop those bad habits that don’t serve you well.  Tis self-care week make a plan to stop smoking, reduce your alcohol intake and Get active! Your pharmacist can help with lifestyle changes such as weight management and stop smoking services.

    Rest – a good night’s sleep is as essential to our health and well-being as eating healthily and exercising so, make sure you get the recommended 7-8 hours a night.

    Stop – these days we lead such busy lives that we sometimes forget to slow down and stop!  Find time in your day to just quieten your mind. Mindfulness or yoga might be helpful.


Selfcare factsheets