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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using the Accurx service.

Diabetic clinic

The surgery offers an annual review for the management of diabetes (30 minute appointment, usually their birthday month) with practice nurses Claire & Gemma. Some patients may be asked to come more often (3 or 6 monthly) to help manage their condition and some will still need to attend the hospital clinic.

Asthma & spirometry clinic

The surgery offers and annual review for monitoring and advice on the management of asthma (20 minutes, usually due patient’s birthday month) with practice nurses Claire & Gemma.

Currently, due to coivd-19, this review is being completed remotely, preferably via video consultation, if not then via telephone (20 minutes).

Spirometry is on hold until further notice.

Cervical smears

It is an important screening test for all women between 25 and 65, at the surgery is carried out by practice nurses Gemma or Claire. Northampton Screening Office automatically call or recall women as follows:

  • 25 years – first invitation
  • 25-49 years – every three years
  • 50-64 years – every five years
  • 65+ years – only those who have not been screened since age 50, or have had recent abnormal tests.

If you think that you may have missed a recall then please contact the practice nurse. 

Family planning

All doctors are qualified to give advice on family planning and all forms of contraception.


We do not fit coils or Implanon.

For yearly contraceptive pill checks, please book an appointment with a practice nurse.

Childhood immunisations

We carry out childhood immunisations every Monday afternoon. You are invited for an appointment by Child Services through the post. If you are unable to make this appointment, please telephone Reception to advise. Child Services will be notified and they will invite you for another appointment.

Minor surgery

We will consider running a minor surgery clinic in the future.

Blood tests

Blood tests take place at the surgery during the morning only by our healthcare assistant or phlebotomist and all requests must be authorised by a GP.

Alternatively to attending the surgery, you can have blood tests at the Blood Taking Unit (BTU), Area H at Northampton General Hospital (NGH). 

There are changes to the phlebotomy services at NGH and all patients must now have an appointment to attend the BTU.

Appointments for a blood test can be made via  If you are unable to book via their online facility, appointments for both adult and paediatric blood taking can be booked Monday to Friday, between 9am and 3:30pm by calling 01604 544190 / 523303.

Appointments will be offered:


  • Monday to Friday – 8 am to 4pm
  • Saturday – 8am to 12:30pm


  • Monday to Friday – 8am to 11:30am

There is limited waiting space, so please arrive on time for your appointment (not early or late).

The Maternity Unit at NGH will make arrangements for maternity patients to have their bloods taken and you will not need to attend Three Shires Hospital or the surgery.

If a child requires a blood test, the BTU at NGH will open for paediatric patients on a Monday only (between 10am and 11am).

Travel health

We offer comprehensive travel health advice and immunisation service. If you are travelling abroad, please complete and submit the travel form (PDF) in plenty of time (at least 6-8 weeks before departure) as some vaccines need time to take effect and some may require a course over several weeks.

Your form will be assessed by one of our practice nurses who will look at your vaccination record and the requirements for your travel destination. You will be contacted by the surgery to arrange a face to face or telephone consultation if needed.

Select the region you are travelling to find out more.

The following websites will give you additional travel advice:

  • Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
  • MASTA for private vaccination clinics
  • for specific country travel advice
  • GHIC to apply for your free Global Health Insurance Card

Social prescribing

What is social prescribing?

It is a means of enabling GPs and other frontline healthcare professionals to refer patients to a link worker.  This provides patients with additional support to improve their health and wellbeing.

How can a social prescribing link worker help me?

We can link you up with services in the community that can provide you with:

  • Support to make positive changes in your life
  • Someone to talk to about how you are feeling
  • Help with housing, benefits and financial problems
  • Advice on jobs, training and education
  • Exercise and sports
  • Arts, music, outdoors and creative activies and classes

How might my health improve?

  • Lower stress and anxiety
  • Reduced isolation or loneliness
  • More motivation and energy
  • Improved mood
  • More confidence
  • A more active mind

Our social prescribing link work is Sarah Robilliard, she is available at Wootton Medical centre on a Thursday and can be contacted at