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Healthcare team


Lorraine Connor

Lorraine works as a patient coordinator Monday to Wednesday & as a Phlebotomist on a Thursday & Friday morning.


The scope of practice for paramedics is; an autonomous practitioner who has the knowledge, skills and clinical expertise to assess, treat, diagnose, supply and administer medicines, manage, discharge and refer patients in a range of urgent, emergency, critical or out-of-hospital settings. They can also treat people with a variety of health conditions from coughs and minor injuries to more serious conditions such as asthma and heart attacks. They work alongside GPs and help manage routine or urgent appointments, telephone triage (assessment of urgency of illness or injury) and home visits.

Employed as part of ParkWood PCN to help manage routine and urgent appointments around minor illness and minor injuries, supporting patients in the surgery or providing advice face to face and by telephone.

Kieron Tanner

Kieron is based at Wootton Medical Centre on a Tuesday.

John Talbot

John is based at Wootton Medical Centre on a Wednesday.

First contact physiotherapist

Part of our ParkWood PCN Team, a first contact practitioner is an experienced physiotherapist who has the advanced skills necessary to assess, diagnose and recommend appropriate treatment or referral for musculoskeletal (MSK) problems on a patient’s first contact with their GP surgery.

Anish Sebastian

Anish is based at Wootton Medical Centre on a Friday.

Social prescribers

Social prescribing involves helping people to improve their health and well-being by connecting them to activities in the community. Link workers connect those feeling lonely, overwhelmed or in need of help to a range of local support, from community and activity groups to work, debt or housing advice.

Our social prescriber link workers, can help with getting people to focus on their own priorities and the things that affect their well-being as well as supporting people to take more control of their health and introducing people to groups and activities in the community.

Sarah Robilliard

Serena Dolphin

Delia Tekas

Jackie Power

Clinical pharmacist   

Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks.

Community nurses and intermediate care team

The district nursing team nurses and the intermediate care team can be contacted on 0300 777 0002 between 8am and 11:30am every day. Their service is for patients who are housebound, and out of hospital care.

Health visitors – 0-19 team

The 0-19 admin hub is the front door for 0-19 services in Northamptonshire; it is the central point of contact for telephone and administrative queries for the 0-19 service.

The 0-19 administrators help support the 0-19 service to provide the healthy child programme, a planned series of contacts (face to face or virtual via video call) with children and young people up to 19 years old and their families.

Our friendly and caring 0-19 administrators are available to provide children, young people and their families with access to our 0-19 service (made up of health visitors in Northamptonshire, specialist school nurses, community nurses, nursery nurses and other skill mix professionals) as well as signpost to the most appropriate service to meet their needs.

The health visitors can be contacted on 0300 1111 022.