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Self Referral and Directory of Services

West-Northants-A4_Flyer_Portrait-6New West Northants tier 2 adult weight management service
As of the 1st of May 2024, West Northamptonshire Council is delighted to announce Gro Health as the new adult tier 2 weight management service.  Please see attached example flyers for more details and the self-referral link.
Residents can access directly through self-referral, or a referral can be made by health and social care colleagues for a patient.  
To be eligible residents must:
·         Be 18 years old or over.
·         Be a resident in West Northamptonshire
·         Have a BMI of 30 or over, or a BMI of 27.5 or over for adults from black and ethnic minority communities.
With Gro Health, adults can get free access to digital or face-to-face support (depending on eligibility), which includes a structured 12-week support programme to help lose weight, improve health, and reach their goals. Gro Health will also provide continued support from a dedicated health coach for up to 12 months.
Gro Health’s comprehensive 12-week weight management programme, with additional support for 12 months, offers either digital or in-person services depending on eligibility and is available in up to 22 languages. The programme emphasises an individualised approach to sustainable health changes.
The new programme offers a range of resources and support from; customised educational resources, nutritious recipes, on-demand exercise classes, and both group and individual health coaching. These tools are crafted to help individuals set and achieve personal health goals while fostering long-term healthy habits. To check eligibility and register, click Lose weight and take control of your health (, or call 0330 133 0307.